TWGSS Emerald 55th Anniversary
Strive towards the Pinnacle of Excellence
誠正達仁  至臻完美
TWGSS Careers Expo cum
Emerald 55th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony

Date: 17 Oct 2015 (Sat)
Venue: TWGSS School Hall
Teacher i/c: Miss PO Tsz-yan 蒲芷茵老師
  Reception of Guests 嘉賓接待
  Principal’s Welcoming Address and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 校長致歡迎辭及剪綵儀式
  Keynote Speech by Guest of Honour and Presentation of Souvenirs to Guests
  Introduction of the Mentorship Programme and Alumni Heart-to-Heart
  Alumni Sharing 校友分享
  Activity Snapshots 活動花絮