6B CHAN Tsz-ki, 6B SZE Wa-yan, Adonia, 4A CHAN Yan-yin, 4A CHOW Anna Kate and other team members from Science Association participated in the 57th Joint School Science Exhibition which was held at the Central Library.
This year, the theme of the JSSE was “Continuity along science, Progression achieves Excellence”. For that reason, our team designed their product “Sharkbane Nacre Elysium” which is a model simulating an anti-shark net with oyster shells hanging on it. The name of the model “Sharkbane Nacre Elysium” comprises three words. The word “bane” in “Sharkbane” stands for a source of harm or destruction in this metaphorical context. Therefore, “Sharkbane” conveys the idea of deterring sharks from entering a certain area. “Nacre” is a French word which refers to the mother of pearl, which is possessed in some bivalve mollusks such as oysters. Finally, “Elysium” stands for a state of happiness and thus represents a tranquil environment of the sea due to the protection against sharks as well as the filtration of seawater by oyster shells.
The discharge of untreated or partly treated sewage is one of the primary sources of water pollution. Therefore, the aim of “Sharkbane Nacre Elysium” is to reduce the severity of water pollution in Hong Kong through incorporating oyster shells into an anti-shark net. The porous structure of an oyster shell will help to prevent contaminants from entering the area of water which the net compasses while the small pores of the net prevent sharks from entering the area. In addition to the ameliorating water pollution, using oyster shells as a part of the net can also help recycle the shells and reduce waste production. Our product “Sharkbane Nacre Elysium” gained the applause from the public during the exhibition.